DSpace 7
DSpace is the world leading open source repository platform that enables organisations to:
- easily ingest documents, audio, video, datasets and their corresponding Dublin Core metadata
- open up this content to local and global audiences, thanks to the OAI-PMH interface and Google Scholar optimizations
- issue permanent urls and trustworthy identifiers, including optional integrations with handle.net and DataCite DOI
Join an international community of leading institutions using DSpace.
The test user accounts below have their password set to the name of this software in lowercase.
- Demo Site Administrator = dspacedemo+admin@gmail.com
- Demo Community Administrator = dspacedemo+commadmin@gmail.com
- Demo Collection Administrator = dspacedemo+colladmin@gmail.com
- Demo Submitter = dspacedemo+submit@gmail.com

Communities in DSpace
Select a community to browse its collections.
ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆԻ ԱԶԳԱՅԻՆ ԳՐԱԴԱՐԱՆԻ ԹՎԱՅԻՆ ՊԱՀՈՑ / DIGITAL REPOSITORY OF NLA The National Library of Armenia, as the world’s largest repository of Armenian published works, as well as a center of library science and information, collects, processes and preserves the published materials of the Republic of Armenia and ensures its full accessibility for readers through all available means. The rich collection of the library includes the first Armenian printed book, “Urbatagirk” (“Friday Book,” Venice, 1512), the first Armenian periodical, “Azdarar” (“The Monitor Monthly,” Madras, 1794) and the first printed map, “Hamatarats Ashkharatsuyts” (“Large World Map,” Amsterdam, 1695). The various functions of the library include reader services (membership, interlibrary loan, reading rooms, etc.), acquisition of printed materials, preservation and digitization of library materials, as well as bibliographic research. Open access