Բանբեր Հայաստանի գրադարանների / Bulletin of Armenian Libraries
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«Բանբեր Հայաստանի գրադարանների» էլեկտրոնային հանդեսը հրատարակվում է 2015թ.-ից, պարբերականությունը՝ տարեկան 2 անգամ։ Հրատարակումը երաշխավորված է Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարանի գիտական խորհրդի կողմից։ Հանդեսը նախատեսված է գրադարանային, թանգարանային, հրատարակչական, արխիվային և այլ հարակից ոլորտների մասնագետների և հետազոտողների համար։ Հանդեսի խմբագրական խորհրդում ու խմբագրակազմում ներգրավված են հայ և օտարերկրյա հեղինակավոր մասնագետներ, հոդվածները և դրանց ամփոփումները բազմալեզու են։ «Բանբեր»-ի հոդվածները երկկողմանի կույր գրախոսվում են և ապահովվում թվային օբյեկտի նույնականացուցիչներով (Digital Object Identifier - DOI)։ Հանդեսում հոդված հրատարակելն անվճար է հեղինակների համար։ «Բանբեր Հայաստանի գրադարանների» հանդեսի ողջ բովանդակությունը հանրահասանելի է։
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- ItemԽաչատուր Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարանի գիտական գրադարանի հնատիպ, հազվագյուտ գրքերի հավաքածուն(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Պետրոսյանց, Տիգրան / Petrosyants TigranThe scientific library of the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan is one of the unique institutions of Armenia, which stores the wealth of the Matenadaran of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin: books and magazines. By the efforts of Mushegh Gasparyan, the Priest of the Congregation of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the first head of the library of the Pedagogical Institute founded on November 7, 1922, about 5000 copies of books on the Armenian studies, history, psychology, pedagogy (according to the last two specialties, mainly Russian-speaking), as well as printed copies of the well-known magazines “Hyusisapail,” “Krunk Hayots Ashkharin,” “Ararat” and more than a dozen of other magazines were transferred to the library of the Pedagogical Institute from the disbanded Matenadaran of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin during the same days.
- ItemՄեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ կաթողիկոսութեան գրահրատարակչական առաքելութիւնը(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Շահան Արքեպիսկոպոս ՍարգիսեանThe report is a general introduction to the historical development and the current state of the “publishing mission” of the Cilician Catholicossate. The report consists of five complementary parts: introduction, departments (we will describe the main cultural book institutions), results, publishing funds and our upcoming work. Let us recall that our eparchies are also institutions that carry out their publishing activities in the same spirit as the Cilician Catholicossate, but they are not the subject of this report. Ex-tensive information on this issue can be found in the journal “ASK,” published by the Catholicossate, and analytical summaries can be found in a book dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the reign of Supreme Patriarch Aram A.
- Item«Հայ տպագրության տարեգիրքը» որպես ազգային մատենագիտության ցանկերի ժողովածու(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Ներսեսյան, ԱստղիկThe article presents the “Yearbook of Armenian Printing.” In 1925, the first Armenian bibliographic periodical “Book Chronicle” was published in the Soviet Armenia Book Chamber. Based on the collected printed materials, a state bibliography of publications was compiled. “Book Chronicle” was published monthly from 1971 with the title “Printing Yearbook” including also bibliographic descriptions of music and fine art publications, as well as materials published in periodicals of the USSR and socialist countries about Soviet Armenia. “Journal Articles Yearbook” and “Newspaper Articles Yearbook” were published under the common title “Articles and Reviews Yearbook” from 1972, and under the general title “Arme-nian Printing Yearbook” from 1995. Since 2017, the publishing of this yearbook has been continued at the National Library of Armenia.
- Item«Հիշարժան տարեթվերը»՝ որպես մեթոդ-մատենագիտական ձեռնարկ(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Հովհաննիսյան, ՄարիThe National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper, is the methodical center of children’s libraries of our country, carries out various methodological-bibliographic publishing works. From 1963 up to now, the library’s Bibliography Department has been creating a “Memorable Dates” reference manual, which includes the famous dates of the given year, commemorative books and works, national and international holidays, as well as topics of interest to children and young readers. It helps different levels of society plan their work and organize events and book exhibitions. Encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries, relevant reference books, official websites on the online platform, etc. are used in compiling the manual.
- ItemԱրգենտինայի և Բրազիլիայի հայ մամուլը(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Մելյան, ՔրիստինեThus, we touched upon the Armenian communities of Argentina and Brazil, the Armenian press, as well as the Armenian press of Argentina and Brazil. Under the dictates of historical and political circumstances, Armenians also settled in Brazil and Argentina. They have created their respective community structures, published the Armenian press, etc. This press touches on various issues: community life, Homeland-Diaspora relations, etc. The coverage of the problems of the Armenian press in general is of great relevance. The Armenian press of Argentina and Brazil is also developing activities in the Armenian communities to preserve the Armenian identity, especially among the younger generation, contributes to the preservation of the Armenian language, traditions and customs.
- ItemРазвитие читательских компетенций учащейся молодежи: книжный клуб как инструмент продвижения чтения в вузе(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Отургашева, Наталья ВадимовнаThe article is devoted to the analysis of changes taking place in the practice of reading of modern students. Conclusions about the nature of these changes are based on a survey of young students conducted by the author and on the results of an associative experiment. As a tool for promoting reading at the university, a book club has been proposed, whose activities allow expanding the reading experience of young people and mastering new forms of reading practice. The work of the club effectively complements the educational process and provides new opportunities for intellectual and creative self-expression of students in the educational space of the university.
- ItemԴպրոցական գրադարանի գործունեությունը․ դպրոցականների ներգրավումը գրադարան(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Տոնոյան, ԶարուհիThe role of modern libraries and information centers is to create broad infrastructures and lead humanity to an open society. The school library provides not only information, but also promotes the need for continuous development of the reader and has a great role in the context of educational reforms. One of the primary and important functions of school libraries is to involve schoolchildren in the library world. The schoolchildren gain experience, is able to easily find the book and material he needs and use the library, the culture of using the library is formed in the latter. The librarian of the school library must contribute, connect the child to library work, always respond to social changes, satisfy the readers' demand for information, culture and free entertainment. In today’s information and knowledge-based society, the school library provides essential information and ideas. The school library is an integral part of the educational process.
- ItemThe state of Armenia’s libraries : present and future(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Alvandian, LaurieThis article analyzes the results of the National Library of Armenia’s 2021 nationwide library survey, which aimed to measure the current physical, operational and cultural state of Armenia’s libraries. The data is compared with results from library surveys around the world in an attempt to understand Armenia’s place within the global library field. Finally, the article identifies the major gaps in Armenia’s library system and provides recommendations for improvement of the country’s library field moving forward.
- ItemԹէոդիկի «Ամէնուն տարեցոյցը»՝ իբրեւ նամակագրական ժառանգութեան սկզբնաղբիւր(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Աբրահամեան, ՔնարիկThe article refers to one of the most visible names of the Western Armenian press of the beginning of the 20th century, to Theodig’s “Amenun Taretsuytsy” (1907-1929), particularly the correspondental heritage found in its pages. It is emphasized the fact, that the author considered the letter as one of the important columns of his journal. This is evidenced by hundreds of published letters, for many of which the periodical continues to be a source. The letters of Eghia Temirchipashyan, Hrant Asatur, Krikor Odian, Ruben Sevak and others are separated by combining and clarifying them with their later editions and creative works of the writers.
- ItemOCR / HTR technologies and Armenian Heritage Preservation(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Vidal-Gorene, ChahanOCR (Optical Character Recognition) and HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) are now ready for Armenian language. This technology may offer a greater valorization for documents by enabling improved accessibility, using by instance keywords search, and consists in a new challenge for Digital Libraries. Our presentation intends to propose a view on what is possible today, by introducing a state-of-the-art of the challenges raised by text recognition for Armenian. A focus will be drawn on the technology developed by Calfa for handwritten archives, ancient manuscripts and old printed books. We will present our feedback on three of our ongoing projects: processing catalogs of manuscripts (Mekhitarist, Venice), printed newspapers of Fundamental Scientific Library of NASRA, and handwritten correspondences (Mekhitarist, Venice). Methodology applied by Calfa leads to an accuracy higher than 95% for handwritten documents and higher than 99,5% for printed documents.
- ItemСовременные интерфейсы новых медиа как фактор влияния на текст и его восприятие(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Хизниченко, Анна ВладимировнаUser interfaces have evolved greatly in recent decades and have begun to have a significant impact on text and its perception. Most digital content is presented on electronic platforms of the so-called social media. The emergence of new interface tools serves as a tool for the implementation of author’s experiments, taking into account the specifics of the perception of the new generation audience and leads to the transformation of the concepts of “text,” “author,” “reader.” The representation of educational organizations in social networks, their transition to the status of new media serves to popularize culture and preserve traditional values.
- ItemԱրտաշես Տեր-Խաչատուրյան. սփյուռքի մամուլի գիտակը և հանրայնացնողը(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Ղազարյան, ՀայկանուշArtashes Ter-Khachaturyan has significant support in assembling the Armenian periodicals, identifying new titles, researching, publicizing and promoting them. He demonstrated all the qualities specific to the intellectuals of the diaspora: a patient teacher, a skilled organizer and editor, an impartial researcher, an accepted public figure, a visible person who establishes and develops ties with the Motherland. Today, the National Library of Armenia is working on compiling his bibliographic series: Bibliography about the librarian. A small part of Artashes Ter-Khachaturyan՚s personal collection is preserved here: more than 200 valuable books and periodicals. some of them were missing in the library collection.
- ItemՔուվեյթի հայ մամուլը որպես հայապահպանության միջոց(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Ղազինյան, ՄհերThus, summarizing the above, we can state that various Armenian-Arab relations have a centuries-old history and continue also in the 21st century. Armenia-Kuwait relations should be considered in the domain of Armenia-Arab world relations. There is a viable Armenian community in Kuwait, which plays an important role in the life of a hospitable country. The Armenian press has an important mission. That applies equally to the Armenian Diaspora press. The “Armenian Press” database, posted on the website of the National Library of Armenia, is also important.The press published in Kuwait covers a variety of topics, in a certain way also contributing to the extremely important, relevant and urgent imperative of preserving the Armenian identity.
- ItemՊոլսոյ «Ճակատամարտ»-ը եւ Յակոբ Օշականը(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Դանիէլեան, ՍուրէնImmediately after the Genocide, the Costantinoplean daily newspaper “Chakatamart” became a platform for national-political issues, where Hagop Oshagan stands out with his positions and a clear artistic and political description. Here, next to the prose stories “When they are little,” “When they are young,” his series “Imperial Triumph” is published. The author of the article presents the main issues that touch both creative history and political evaluations. There are also literary-cultural references that played a role in the literary environment (Artashes Harutyunian, Yervand Otian, Yenovq Armen, later Poghos Snapian, Marc Nichanian and others).
- ItemԹվայնացված գրականությունից մինչեվ լեզվական շտեմարաններ. դրանց նշանակությունը, հեռանկարներն ու մարտահրավերները(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Հովհաննիսյան, Գայանե; Այդինյան, ՍրբուհիThe Republic of Armenia has traditionally had a solid culture of preserving written heritage. However, in the last few decades, due to various geopolitical circumstances, we have lagged behind the global advancement of digitization, information, and communication technologies in terms of natural language processing for the Armenian language, access to the expanding opportunities of systematising and utilising the collated enormous amount of literature. This paper presents the current global state of natural language processing and the related methodological problems of the field in our country. The process of dataset development and consumption, from the primary stage of text digitising collected in physical databases, libraries, and archives, to the very use of the knowledge and information stored in these texts for various scientific, educational and practical purposes, requires a clear scientific-methodological program introducing not only the importance and perspectives of the field but will also ensure the conditions for its sustainable development, including the processing of written (and spoken) digitized language data and the retrieval and “industrialization” of the information and knowledge contained in the language corpora.
- ItemՀայկական տպագրութիւնը եւ հայ պարբերական մամուլը Նիկոմիդիոյ անկախ գաւառին մէջ (համառօտ ակնարկ)(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Մինասեան, ՄիհրանThe volume is dedicated to the history of Armenian printing and Armenian periodical press of the independent province of Nicomedia (Izmid) of the Ottoman Empire. Armenian books and newspapers were published in 5 towns of the province. According to rough estimate, there are 11 Armenian printing houses operating in the entire province (including Armash), which together have printed approximately 44 Armenian books. There, 34 hand and type copied, as well as printed newspapers and magazines were published between 1847-1915. 22 hand copied newspapers were published in the town of Bardizag in 1847-1915. The most famous newspaper of the town of Nicomedia was Apraham Mouradian’s “Hayrenaser” weekly newspaper, published in 1850-1853. The printing house of the Armash Monastery was founded in 1865 and in the course of about 15 years it published about 30 books and “Huys” (“Hope”) magazine. “Adrushan” printing house of Adapazar town published 12 Armenian books. The city also had several Armenian-language newspapers, and finally, the village of Ovajek had one hand-copied newspaper.
- ItemПроблемы и перспективы организации долговременного сохранения цифрового культурного наследия(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Бричковский, Вячеслав ИвановичLong-term digital preservation aims to ensure that the digital content of traditional socio-cultural insti-tutions (libraries, museums, archives, etc.) remains accessible to user communities for a long period of time and for future generations. The article considers the problems and prospects of organizing long-term digital storage of electronic information resources. It is proposed to use for solving the problems of long-term digital preservation approaches focused on the reference model of the open archival information system (OAIS), de-scribed in the ISO 14721:2012 standard. To describe events/actions with a document during archival storage, it is proposed to use the PREMIS metadata model.
- ItemՀայ Երուսաղեմի երախտավոր Եղիշե Պատրիարք Դուրյանի տպագիր ժառանգությունը(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Մուրադյան, ԱնահիտThe presentation discusses the period of service of Patriarch Yeghishe Duryan in Jerusalem (1921-1929), which became a separate subject of study. Noteworthy is the fact that with the advent of Yeghishe Duryan (1860-1930) in the history of the monastery, a broad religious and intellectual movement unfolded, in which the publishing house didn’t stand aside. The unique works of the Armenian medieval bibliography, theological and historical memoirs of the Armenian Church, textbooks and translations were published. Based on the sources, it can be stated that the inspiring and educational activity of Patriarch Yeghishe Duryan was a great impetus, especially to the cultural field of the Holy See Congregation. The Duryanashen Trading Center was built with voluntary donations made on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary (1929) “in memory of the great patriarch and mentor.” The profits gained from the center were to be directed towards the publication of the “Durian” series.
- ItemՀամաստեղ, Արամ Հայկազ, Հակոբ Խաշմանյան. «Մոռացված էջեր»-ի տասներկու հատորները(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Խաչատրյան, ՄարգարիտաThe 12 volumes of “Forgotten Pages” present the pages of rich heritage left by two prominent cultural-public figures of Armenian literature of the diaspora. The volumes include letters, literary works, unknown pages of Armenian continuous resources, articles dedicated to the Armenian reality and various issues of Armenian life. These books, published between 2005-2022, summarize the Armenia-diaspora relations of the last century, whose unbiased examination is still very useful for Armenians today.
- ItemՆոր Ջուղայի հայկական գրադարանների մասին(Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան / National Library of Armenia, 2023) Մեսրոպյան, ՀայկանուշBased on personal observations, we presented the libraries of New Jugha, which were created at three important bases. а) Educational center. In 1831, KhachaturKesaratsi opened a monastery school, on the basis of which many schools were created. At present, there are “Armen,” “Kananyan,” “Katarinyan” schools, the Department of Armenian Studies of the University. b) Typography. In 1637, Kesaratsi founded the first printing house in Persia, which printed educational, theological, moral, historical and folklore books. c) A book. The Armenians of Jugha listed the manuscripts and books they brought from their homeland, as well as the books printed in their new place of residence. Today there are three basic libraries in New Jugha: 1) the monastery library, 2) the state university library, 3) the “Ararat” union library, where there are also valuable dialectological monographs.